How To Help Receding Gums?

As we age, so do our teeth and teeth. They go through tremendous changes during the process of aging, even if you have taken good care of them. It's a natural process, tantamount to your body, as you age every part in your physical structure gradually deteriorates.


Products To Help Receding Gums


Cleaning our teeth and chewing cause our teeth to wear away, and as we progress to age, the aging dentin (the tooth's middle layer) holds stain easier than younger dentin. A sticky hidden film builds up on your teeth and traps stains, causing your teeth to become dark and yellow.



And along with dark and yellow teeth comes receding gums, which means the gum tissue breaks away from the teeth, leaving the roots uncovered and sensitive. This makes your teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay, hot and cold, and Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease,) a leading cause of tooth loss.


Simple steps such as brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing daily are important in dealing with gum disease, receding gums, and teeth yellowing, but unfortunately that cannot completely win the battle.


Ways To Help Receding Gums


There's a an all-natural remedy free of Strips, Bleach, Machines, without Pain and it is 100% safe & effective. It's known as Pearl Powder. Pearl Powder removes stains and debris from the teeth and strengthens the teeth and gums, and prevents gum disease and receding gums. This slightly abrasive powder is safe and leaves the enamel in tact.


Pearl Powder does not make your teeth look synthetic or as if they've been bleached. It is less abrasive than commercial toothpastes with a natural whitening ingredient. Brushing your teeth with pearl powder can provide you with pearly white teeth, preventative benefits, and also helps with sensitive teeth.


Pearl Powder contains a calcium rich content and the calcium coats and is absorbed into the teeth through its pores which can minimize pain from hot or cold sensitivities, plus the pearl provides a white sheen that will give the teeth a gleaming appearance and a smoother luster; essentially, making the teeth look much healthier and younger. Pearl powder heals the gums and makes them invulnerable to bacteria that can cause gum disease; it can also help texturize the gums so they are not thin as well as prolong, and probably prevent, receding gum lines.




Help Receding Gum Line Naturally


In Mayan ruins, archaeologists were surprised, when they discovered over 2,000 year old human teeth that had been repaired with pearl fillings. The fillings were so compatible with human bone, they'd melded seamlessly into the teeth.


Pearl powder contains a number of amino acids, over 30 trace, amino acids, and highly absorbable Calcium carbonate, pearl powder helps maintain strong bones and teeth. In fact, Researchers revealed that pearl can activate new bone foundation and development, and increase bone mineralization.


If you want whiter, stronger teeth - If you want to treat or stop gum recession and gum disease, Pearl Powder is your answer. Stop throwing your money away on things that don't work and cause pain, and work only for the moment; those which are expensive and only deal with part of the problem. Start using Pearl Powder today, and you will have whiter teeth, stronger bones, and a more beautiful smile within days.



This all-natural product does not bleach your teeth, so it must be used on a daily basis - use 2 times a day for optimum whitening.


Natural Ways To Help Receding Gums


Wet your toothbrush and dip in to the powder until the brush has a good covering. Brush with medium intensity for 2 minutes. Wash mouth and brush thoroughly with water.


You Will Feel A Difference The First Time You Brush Your Teeth.


Healthy gums provide the support to teeth that enables them to function properly. They are normally light pink in colour, and have a rippled texture much like that of an orange. When gums become unhealthy they tend to swell, recede and bleed. This not only can result in pain, but also make it harder to swallow, speak, drink and eat.


Receding gums develop when bone of the mouth and gums moves away from the tooth itself.


They May Be The Result Of:


Plaque accumulation and poor dental hygiene, as the gum tissue is damaged by toxic substances that are released from bacteria build-up on plaque.

Unbalanced occlusion (the way teeth come together), that may potentially traumatise the bone and gums.

Grinding and clenching.


Fillings And Crowns That Are Fitted Without Properly Balancing The Bite.


Gum Recession can often go undiscovered until changes around the teeth and gum are identified, and sensitivity is noticed.


Best Ways To Help Receding Gums


Factors like stress and poor nutrition can directly affects gum health required for the efficient functioning of teeth. Fortunately, there are many holistic approaches and natural remedies available that help avoid and treat receding gums.


Many vitamins found in food sources and supplements may be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of receding gums. Some of these vitamins include:


  • Vitamin D, Whose Anti-Inflammatory Characteristics Can Reduce Ones Susceptibility To Receding Gums.


  • Vitamin C, Whose Powerful Antioxidant Ability Assists In Faster Bone Regeneration And In The Repair Of Connective Tissue.


  • Coenzyme Q10, Another Effective Antioxidant That Assists In The Repair Of Damaged And Infected Gum Tissue.


The antibiotic characteristics of both Cranberry and Tea Tree may also helpful in treating receding gums. Cranberry  inhibit bacteria from sticking to the teeth, and tea tree oil is beneficial in the treatment of symptoms of periodontal disease, like bleeding and gingivitis.



How To Help Receding Gums?


Recent scientific research has also shown that stress contributes to the buildup of plaque on gums and teeth, which can often result in gum disease. So reducing stress levels would be a vital aspect of maintaining healthy gums.


To Avoid Receding Gums You May Also Like To Look At:


  1. Visiting Your Dentist Regularly For Checkups And Professional Gum Care Treatments To Prevent Or Minimise Gum Problems.


  1. Replacing Your Old Toothbrush With An Sensitive Or Extra Soft Brush.


  1. Gently Brushing And Flossing Your Teeth, As Often As Possible.


Staying away from strongly acidic foods like citrus fruits, soft drinks and juices that can aggravate sensitive teeth and cause damage to the gums over time.
